SingStrong New York
ACA-IDOL Performers
SingleSingers New York
Concert Schedule
Class Schedule
Coaching Schedule
Shuttle Schedule
LIRR Shuttle Schedule
Soundcheck Schedule
ACA-IDOL Schedule
Single Singers Schedule
HS Schedule
ACA-Idol Pro+Collegiate Competition
High School Competition
Charity Auction
Performance Opportunities
Classes & Coachings
Press Release
Press Mentions
SingStrong Team
2024 Headliners
2024 ACA-IDOL Performers
2024 SingStrong Team
2024 Class Schedule
2024 Coaching Schedule
2024 Soundcheck Schedule
2024 Shuttle Schedule
2024 Press Release
2024 Hotel
2024 Terms: Ticketing TOS Privacy
2024 Tickets
2023 Headliners
2023 ACA-IDOL Performers
2023 SingStrong Team
2023 Class Schedule
2023 Coaching Schedule
2023 Soundcheck Schedule
2023 Shuttle Schedule
2023 Press Release
2023 Poster
2023 Hotel
2023 Terms: Ticketing TOS Privacy
2023 Tickets
2021 and 2022
Headliners 2020
Schedule 2020
ACA-IDOL Performers 2020
Coaching Schedule 2020
SingStrong Team 2020
Press Release 2020
Terms: Ticketing TOS Privacy 2-4-2020
Tickets 2020
Shuttle Schedule 2020
Soundcheck Schedule 2020
ACA-IDOL Schedule 2020
HS Schedule 2020
Poster 2020
2019 Headliners
ACA-IDOL Performers 2019
2019 Class Schedule
Coaching Schedule 2019
Soundcheck Schedule 2019
Press Release 2019
Tickets 2019
Terms: Ticketing TOS Privacy 2019
Poster 2019
SingStrong Team 2019
SingleSingers New York 2019
Headliners 2018
2018 ACA-IDOL Performers
2018 Class Schedule
2018 Coaching Schedule
2018 Soundcheck Schedule
2018 Press Release
2018 Tickets
2018 SingStrong Team
2018 Poster
2017 Poster
2017 Headliners
2017 ACA-IDOL Performers
2017 Class Schedule
2016 SingStrong Team
2016 Headliners
2016 ACA-IDOL Performers
2016 Poster
2016 Class Schedule
Terms: Ticketing TOS Privacy
CAB Collegiate Advisory Board
HS Music Educators Invitation
HS Judges
Sound Schedule
Health and Safety
Single Singers Sign-Up
ACA-IDOL Performers 2020
2024 Class Schedule
#SingStrongNY2024 #survey
This is your chance to help guide the future of SingStrong!
Whether it's a word or a novel, we really want to know all about your experience.
(It's also OK to skip some questions if you prefer not to answer. We get it!)
Thanks! -The SingStrong Team!
Indicates required field
Please write your most positive comment for possible inclusion on our site and in our press materials!
This is super-important to us! Please write your most positive comment so we can share your personal positive experience at SingStrong with others! We may credit you by name unless you ask us not to.
NEXT year, SingStrong is JAN 31 - FEB 2, 2025. THIS date:
Works for us! We have the date saved!
Does NOT work because of an important conflict which I'll tell you about below.
May or may not work.
More info on the above...
Sites + Social Media where you like getting your ACA-Info -Choose as many as you like!
Facebook Feed
Particular Facebook Groups
Youtube Channel I will tell you below
Particular Websites
Google Searches Generally
Specifics like which groups, search terms, etc.
Phone Number
Your group, or other organization you are associated with
Your title, official or otherwise (music director, performer, mom of an aca-idol competitor, aca-fan, etc.)
What was your role -or roles- with SingStrong this year?
Single Singers Performer
HS Competitor
HS Director
ACA-IDOL Competitor
Spotlight Showcase Performer
Volunteer Team Leader
Headline Performer
Choose all that apply!
How many SingStrong Festivals have you attended in NY?
How many SingStrong Festivals have you attended in DC
How many SingStrong Festivals have you attended in Chicago?
Where would you most like to see a NEW SingStrong festival?
What is the BEST A cappella Festival you EVER attended?
What makes a festival the BEST for you, personally?
Check ANY elements of SingStrong that mattered to you, personally
Cost of a Weekend Pass
Cost of a ClassPass
Cost of Individual Tickets to Shows
Free Parking
That all classes and Concerts are in 1 Building
Quality of Lighting
Quality of Sound
Free Shuttle from LIRR to Performing Arts Center
Free Shuttle between Hotel and Performing Arts Center
That each singer had access to a WIRELESS Mic
That a FREE COACHING was included with Weekend Passes
That the shows feature short sets (5-25 min)
That the shows feature diversity of styles
That performers represent countries outside the US
That there were two days of classes
That performers have won significant awards
That many of the acts rarely or never perform in this area
That SingStrong is a 501(c)(3) Charity supporting Arts and the Fight Against Alzheimer's
What is your Gender
You are in
Elementary School
Jr. HS
Grad School
Out of School
How did you hear about SingStrong?
Internet search
Your director
A good friend
Newspaper Article
TV coverage
Radio coverage
If other, please specify. Or add specifics, such as where you saw the poster, what you searched for on the internet, or what TV station you saw us on.
Tell us your FAVORITE SingStrong events, performers, classes etc. of those you personally attended this year
Did you perform at SingStrong? (Choose ALL that apply)
Yes! With the Single Singers!
Yes! In the HS Competition!
Yes! At a Spotlight Showcase!
Yes! As a Headliner!
Yes! In a class or workshop!
Yes! In the halls or around the festival!
Yes! At the open-mic afterglow!
Nope. I was perfectly happy to observe all the talent around me. Besides, only the empty cup can be filled. Ommmm...
Nope. But I wish I could have performed.
Something else.
What did you think about ticket prices?
Wow! What a bargain!
Fairly priced considering the quality and length of the shows.
They were pricey, but I know it's for a good cause!
Way out of my budget!
What did you think about the length of shows?
I could not get enough! I seriously did not want the shows to end!
Just right!
A bit long but still enjoyable!
I was really ready to get out of there!
What groups, offerings or activities motivated you to purchase tickets BEFORE attending the festival?
What would make you most want to purchase tickets to SingStrong NEXT year? Feel free to tell us a specific group, style, or anything else that matters to you!
SingStrong supports music programs, and the fight against Alzheimer's. How important is that to you?
Extremely important. That's why I'm here!
Somewhat important. I'm glad you do it, but I'd still come anyway!
It's a good cause but I'm all about the music!
I'm strictly here for the a cappella! The charity stuff isn't even on my radar!
Did you get enough information about Alzheimer's while at SingStrong?
Yes! I did get enough information.
No. I would have liked more materials about this terrible disease.
How did you enjoy your FREE coaching?
Even though coachings are free, I did not participate.
Our coaching was incredible!
Our coaching was really good!
Our coaching was fine.
I was underwhelmed by our coaching.
If SingStrong added a show on THURSDAY, prior to the weekend's events, would you attend?
It would depend on which groups were in the show.
No. 3 days of a cappella is my limit!
I would come to another show but not on Thursday.
A Weekend Pass is the best deal we offer. Did you purchase a Weekend Pass this year?
Yes! I love seeing all the shows!
If you did NOT purchase a weekend pass, why not?
Family obligations prevented me from attending additional shows.
Work prevented me from attending additional shows.
School obligations prevented me from attending additional shows.
Church or synagogue prevented me from attending additional shows.
Finances prevented me from attending additional shows.
My interest in a cappella doesn't really justify seeing more shows in a weekend.
Had the groups been different, I would have seen additional shows.
Some people with Weekend Passes do NOT attend all shows. If that describes you, did you know in ADVANCE of the festival, which shows you would go to and which you would skip?
Yes, we knew which shows we would attend in advance.
No, we played it by ear and decided on the spot whether to attend a given show.
Please rate the overall experience you had at SingStrong
Loved it! I am telling everyone that they MUST come next year!
Really good! I'll be back!
Fine. Perhaps you'll see me again, if the mood strikes me and I like the line-up and I'm not committed to anything else.
Needed some improvement. I might return, but my arms will be crossed to indicate my doubts about the quality of the festival.
A good cause with very serious flaws. I'd rather donate money directly than come back.
Were you greeted with a smile and genuine warmth?
Yes! You could really feel the positive energy!
Somewhat. I mean they smiled sometimes, I suppose.
Not really. Everyone was on smile break when I showed up.
How did you feel about the website?
Visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Good. But some information was a little hard to find.
Confusing. I could not find what I needed.
I never visited the website.
I accessed the SingStrong website most often via
combination of the above
Did we provide clear information at the SingStrong Festival?
Yes. Signage was very clear. I didn't even need to ask any questions!
Yes. Signage was clear and when I had questions they were answered promptly and fully.
Somewhat. I found some signage to be unclear.
Not so good. I did not get the information I needed despite looking and asking.
How did you feel about the email and telephone communications from SingStrong?
I didn't need to communicate via tel or email.
Excellent! I got fast clear responses!
Good. Of course it could be faster or clearer, but for an all-volunteer organization, I'm happy!
Troubled. The communication was either seriously delayed or unclear.
What did you think about the T-shirts and other Merchandise for sale?
Cool designs! Fair prices! I picked up some nice swag!
Cool designs but you did not have my size.
Cool designs but I prefer different colors.
Cool designs but out of my price range.
I wan't a fan of the designs.
You had merch for sale? I didn't even know!
What are your favorite sizes and colors to buy?
Describe any Merchandise you wish we would Sell. Please include color/size if important
Regarding the HS Competition and the ACA-IDOL Competition, for COMPETITORS, how important is it that you be able to see the OTHER competitors' performances?
We like to see other performers, but it would be OK if we couldn't
We are totally focused on our own performance, not theirs.
It's REALLY important to see as many other groups perform as we can!
How did you feel about the Afterglow?
Loved it! The location, food and energy worked for me!
Did not love it for reasons I'll tell you about below.
Did not attend due to the late hour.
Did not attend for other reasons.
You had an afterglow?! I didn't even know!
If you were Supreme Ruler of SingStrong, what would you change? What would you keep?
I overheard other people saying this and I thought you should know...
The sound at the concerts was
Amazingly clear and powerful! I loved it!
Really good! Especially considering how challenging it is to run sound for so many different types of groups!
A tad bit too loud.
Way too loud for my tastes.
Too soft! You need to crank it!
The lighting at the concerts was
Visually stunning!
Really good!
Distracting or inappropriate at times.
The Silent Auction was
A fantastic experience! Great bargains for a great cause! I bid a lot!
Good. I did a little bidding and had fun!
Fine. I made one bid because it's a good cause.
Confusing, so I didn't bid.
Filled with items I had little interest in so I didn't bid.
Way beyond my financial means so I didn't bid.
I missed the auction because I had a conflict.
I missed the auction because I didn't know about it!
The FREE shuttles were
Great! There when I needed them, clean and well-driven!
Not great. There were problems which I will tell you about below.
I didn't even know there were free shuttles!
I didn't need a free shuttle.
The hotel was
Great! Good quality, price and location.
Some issues, but I would stay there again.
Not good. I would pay $30-$50 more/night for a better hotel.
Other, which I will tell you about below...
Was there anyone who was a special connection for you at SingStrong? A person that talked you into coming, or went out of their way to make your experience a positive one?
If you are willing to share, what is your household income?
Less than $10,000/year
$10,001 - $25,000/year
$25,001 -$50,000/year
$50,001 -$75,000/year
$75,001 -$100,000/year
Greater than $100,000/year
Prefer not to say.
I'd like to volunteer to help SingStrong (choose all that apply!)
By volunteering throughout the weekend!
By volunteering my special skills which I will tell you about below...
By raising financial donations to SingStrong Inc, a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
By doing outreach as an ambassador to a specific organization, school or area.
As an instructor at SingStrong
As a performer at SingStrong
Other, which I will tell you about below...
Regarding volunteering, please select one:
I did not volunteer this year
I volunteered and received clear instructions as to my job responsibilities.
I volunteered and received just enough instruction that I could figure out how to do an excellent job
I volunteered and had to wing it and I'm not sure that worked out too well
I volunteered and got so little instruction I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing
We brought 20 Industrial Air Purifiers on site. How did you feel about that?
Great! It's a non-invasive way to help everyone's health!
It's not important to me.
I view it negatively.
Should SingStrong Mandate Covid Testing?
Yes, but only if covid stats (severity, spread, etc) are worrisome.
Neutral. Either way is fine.
Only for attendees showing signs or symptoms of illness.
No, not unless it's absolutely necessary, such as mandated by the University or governmental authority.
Please elaborate on any answer here. Or tell us what we should have asked you!