Performance Opportunities

Single Singers (New York)
[ Open to Everyone ]
You get the material online, in advance. You rehearse at SingStrong. Then you perform at SingStrong! Maybe you're not in a group. Maybe you're in a group but some of them couldn't make it to SingStrong. Whatever your situation, Single Singers is the answer!
[ Open to Everyone ]
You get the material online, in advance. You rehearse at SingStrong. Then you perform at SingStrong! Maybe you're not in a group. Maybe you're in a group but some of them couldn't make it to SingStrong. Whatever your situation, Single Singers is the answer!

Concert Slots/Spotlight Showcase
[ Open to Everyone ]
Pro groups perform in our Main Event PRO Concerts and Competitors perform in our competitions, but any group can apply for our Spotlight Showcases. These performances might occur before a concert or during lunch and it's a great chance to strut your stuff!
[ Open to Everyone ]
Pro groups perform in our Main Event PRO Concerts and Competitors perform in our competitions, but any group can apply for our Spotlight Showcases. These performances might occur before a concert or during lunch and it's a great chance to strut your stuff!

In-Class Performance Slots
[ Open to Everyone ]
Many of our instructors ask if we can supply a group that's willing to receive public coaching on their performance, stage presence, arranging, composing, or some other element. Is your group up to the challenge?
[ Open to Everyone ]
Many of our instructors ask if we can supply a group that's willing to receive public coaching on their performance, stage presence, arranging, composing, or some other element. Is your group up to the challenge?

[ Some restrictions apply ]
Pros, Semi-Pros and College Groups compete at ACA-Idol for big money and big prizes.
HS Groups compete at the High School Competition for trophies and bragging rights.
[ Some restrictions apply ]
Pros, Semi-Pros and College Groups compete at ACA-Idol for big money and big prizes.
HS Groups compete at the High School Competition for trophies and bragging rights.

Open Mic/Afterglow on Saturday
[ No HS Students, please ]
After the Saturday night concerts, head to the Hotel for the Unofficial Afterglow.
It's open mic as singers and groups co-mingle and perform.
No application is necessary. Just let the host know that you're ready to rock and they'll get you on stage!
[ No HS Students, please ]
After the Saturday night concerts, head to the Hotel for the Unofficial Afterglow.
It's open mic as singers and groups co-mingle and perform.
No application is necessary. Just let the host know that you're ready to rock and they'll get you on stage!

Hallway Harmonizing
[ Open to All ]
Waiting on line to get into a concert? Sing! In between classes? Sing! At lunch? Sing! That's what SingStrong is all about!
[ Open to All ]
Waiting on line to get into a concert? Sing! In between classes? Sing! At lunch? Sing! That's what SingStrong is all about!