Single Singers New York
Single Singers is an a cappella group open to everyone who loves to sing!
Pros and amateurs get the music in advance and come together to perform on the mainstage at SingStrong!
1) Sign-Up with This FORM!
2) Purchase your All Access Weekend Pass, VIP Pass, Combo Pass or Class Pass!
3) Practice your music (see your email for links and instructions).
4) Socialize! (Vote on songs and much more!)
5) Rehearse (just the Fri evening and Saturday morning at SingStrong -you won't miss ACA-IDOL).
6) Perform on the SingStrong Mainstage (usually Saturday afternoon) with full sound and light!
The Single Singers first formed at the London A Cappella Festival in January 2012. Founders, Annemarie Homan and Emily May 't Hoen, started the group to give individual singers the opportunity to perform at the festival. They got the music in advance and rehearsed at the festival. Then, after just a few hours together, they all performed for the festival attendees. SingStrong founder, Jonathan Minkoff was among that first group of Single Singers, and after receiving Annemarie and Emily's approval, he brought the idea across the Atlantic.
Just months later in 2012, SingStrong DC featured the first US-based Single Singers and it was a hit!
The next Single Singers came to life at SingStrong Chicago in 2013. Attendees loved it!
The New York Single Singers began in 2016 and brought down the house! All have flourished under the artistic direction of Judy Minkoff who handed the baton to Marc Silverberg in 2020.
Single Singers is a way to strut your stuff and make instant, lasting friendships. There are no auditions! Just sign-up! Performers can be practically any age. From first timers to seasoned professionals, everyone is welcome!
Single Singers is an a cappella group open to everyone who loves to sing!
Pros and amateurs get the music in advance and come together to perform on the mainstage at SingStrong!
1) Sign-Up with This FORM!
2) Purchase your All Access Weekend Pass, VIP Pass, Combo Pass or Class Pass!
3) Practice your music (see your email for links and instructions).
4) Socialize! (Vote on songs and much more!)
5) Rehearse (just the Fri evening and Saturday morning at SingStrong -you won't miss ACA-IDOL).
6) Perform on the SingStrong Mainstage (usually Saturday afternoon) with full sound and light!
- FRI Rehearse from 5PM to 6:30 (then they watch ACA-IDOL at 7).
- SAT Soundcheck on the MainStage 10:15-10:55 AM
- SAT Rehearse 1-3PM then PERFORM while HS judges deliberate!
- If you have ever wanted to sing on stage, on a rock star sound system, with dazzling lighting, in front of an adoring audience, join the Single Singers!
- If your regular a cappella group couldn't make it to SingStrong this year, join the Single Singers!
- If you just can't get enough singing and bonding with awesome people, join the Single Singers!
- Become a part of the international tradition dating back to 2012!
The Single Singers first formed at the London A Cappella Festival in January 2012. Founders, Annemarie Homan and Emily May 't Hoen, started the group to give individual singers the opportunity to perform at the festival. They got the music in advance and rehearsed at the festival. Then, after just a few hours together, they all performed for the festival attendees. SingStrong founder, Jonathan Minkoff was among that first group of Single Singers, and after receiving Annemarie and Emily's approval, he brought the idea across the Atlantic.
Just months later in 2012, SingStrong DC featured the first US-based Single Singers and it was a hit!
The next Single Singers came to life at SingStrong Chicago in 2013. Attendees loved it!
The New York Single Singers began in 2016 and brought down the house! All have flourished under the artistic direction of Judy Minkoff who handed the baton to Marc Silverberg in 2020.
Single Singers is a way to strut your stuff and make instant, lasting friendships. There are no auditions! Just sign-up! Performers can be practically any age. From first timers to seasoned professionals, everyone is welcome!