You are... |
ANYONE who wants the VIP Treatment! You'll skip to the front of the line for all concerts! Sit in your favorite seat! Get a Free signed poster! Access to all concerts and all classes on all days! Enjoy a free group coaching with PRIORITY coach, day and time choice! |
An ADULT who wants access to all concerts and all classes all days, plus a free group coaching! |
A student, senior citizen, music educator or someone purchasing 10 or more tickets who wants access to all concerts and all classes all days, plus a free group coaching! |
ANYONE who wants access to all classes on all days BUT who does NOT want access to any MainStage concerts. (Concert tickets may be purchased separately) Free group coaching only on availability basis. |
ANYONE who wants to see an AMAZING show! |
A COMPETITOR in the HS Competition A COMPETITOR in ACA-IDOL A COMPETITOR in the Shruti South Asian Style Competition or A PERFORMER in the Single Singers |
Purchase one of the above passes, not an individual ticket. |
You can buy individual tickets (a la carte) to events. But attendees save big by purchasing a Full Weekend Pass.
Students at any age and Seniors age 65 and older can save even more by purchasing a Discount Weekend Pass.
If you plan to purchase 10 or more tickets at once, you can also save by purchasing the Discount Weekend Pass.
If you are a competitor in either ACA-Idol or the HS Competition, you must purchase a Weekend Pass or a ClassPass. Remember that a ClassPass will give you access to compete and access to all classes, but it won't give you access to see any of the concerts. Ticket terms are here. If you are coming from out of town, you may also need to book a hotel.
Students at any age and Seniors age 65 and older can save even more by purchasing a Discount Weekend Pass.
If you plan to purchase 10 or more tickets at once, you can also save by purchasing the Discount Weekend Pass.
If you are a competitor in either ACA-Idol or the HS Competition, you must purchase a Weekend Pass or a ClassPass. Remember that a ClassPass will give you access to compete and access to all classes, but it won't give you access to see any of the concerts. Ticket terms are here. If you are coming from out of town, you may also need to book a hotel.
Saturday Night Has Two Evening Concerts: 7PM and 9:30PM. Are they Different? What about Sunday?
Yes! Each concert on Saturday is different from all the others, with different groups performing! Most attendees go to BOTH shows!
Sunday has some encore performers but the sets are almost always different and that makes for a different show!
Sunday has some encore performers but the sets are almost always different and that makes for a different show!
Will Saturday and Sunday Concerts Be Different from Each Other?
Yes! Except for a favorite song or two, groups that perform Saturday usually perform an entirely different set on Sunday.
Is Parking Free at SingStrong?
Yes! There is free parking at all SingStrong concerts and classes! Information about the location can be found here.
Is Parking Free at the Hotel?
Yes! Guest Parking is FREE at the hotel!
Is Transportation Free between the Hotel and the Concerts and Classes?
Yes! Adelphi University provides FREE Shuttles!
Is There a Hotel?
Guests stay HERE!
What Airport Should Attendees Fly Into?
All attendees should fly into either JFK or LaGuardia (LGA) airport. Either airport is about 30-40 minutes from all SingStrong events. Don't fly into Newark (EWR)
Can we take the train to SingStrong?
Yes! The Long Island Rail Road stops at Naussau Blvd in Garden City and Adelphi provides shuttles from the station to SingStrong. The LIRR connects with Penn Station in Manhattan.
My Group Wants to Perform as Much as Possible! What Performance Opportunities Are There?
Whether your group is HS, collegiate, semi-pro or pro, there are more performance opportunities at SingStrong than any other contemporary a cappella festival! Check them out here and apply now!
Look here! That's where we announce headliners first! We get the hottest artists in a cappella! But our contracts sometimes prevent us from announcing them right away. So how can you tell what you're going to get? Look at our track record! SingStrong has produced nearly 20 a cappella festivals with a wealth of national and international cappella groups. SingStrong usually announces its headline performers just a few months before the event, however past performers include Pentatonix, NOTA, Street Corner Symphony, Ten, MAXX Factor, Traces, Afro-Blue and The Vanderbilt Melodores from NBC's TV show, "The Sing-Off"; Grammy Winners Take 6 and Ben Bram (with Level), American Idol's Blake Lewis, and Nate Tao (with The Funx); Ball in the House from America's Got Talent; viral youtube sensation and Austrian overtone singer, Anna-Maria Hefele; live-loopers, Julia Easterlin from Lollapalooza and Grace McLean; New York City's pop, twisted-broadway quartet, Blue Jupiter (feat. by Nickelodeon, NOKIA, College Humor, and OREO); Harmony Sweepstakes Champions Stiletta, GQ, Traces, Da Capo, Cartoon Johnny, Red No 5, Capri, Breath of Soul and others; Broadway Trio, Apollo Link; the haunting, Eastern European sounds of Slaveya and Zulal; renown overtone singer and Wynton Marsalis collaborator, Alex Glenfield; comedic a cappella legends, The BOBS; international touring acts, The Swingle Singers (England), The Essentials (Canada), The Glue (Switzerland), Fii (Austria), Vocaldente (Germany), VocalLine (Denmark), Ensamble Fenix (Venezuela) ONAIR (Germany) Voco Novo (Taiwan); The Alexandria Harmonizers, barbershop multi-medalists; beatboxers, Mandible (VocaPeople), Masai Electro (feat. on multiple national commercials), Ben Mirin (TED Talks), MC Beats (top ranked female beatboxer), Kaila Mulady (2015 World Champion Beatboxer and Beatrhymer), and dozens more! Count on SingStrong to continue its legacy of cutting-edge excellence. You won't be disappointed!
What Classes Can We Take?
Check the most recent schedule. We announce classes there first! This will give you a good idea of the kinds and numbers of classes we'll offer each year. Typically you won't have to pre-register to see the classes you want! (Any exceptions will be noted on the schedule.)
If tickets are sold-out on the website, can I still get in?
Thankfully, when tickets sell out there is a still a good chance that you can get in. This is because there are almost always cancellations and no-shows. Arrive about an hour prior to the show and let the Will-Call/Box Office staff know that you would like to buy a ticket. They will put you on a waiting list and do their best to get you in!
Can We Get a FREE Coaching for our group?
Is there an OPEN A cappella group I can join? And Can we Perform on the mainstage?
Yes! Anyone can apply to join our open group, the Single Singers. They rehearse Friday evening before ACA-IDOL and and Saturday morning, then they perform Saturday at the HS Competition while the judges deliberate!
If I attend the Sat 7PM show, can i save the seat or leave my belongings for the 9:30PM show?
No. Because this would not be fair to those who attend the 9:30PM show, we do not allow saving seats or leaving belongings between shows.
(VIP Tickets are an exception in some areas.)
(VIP Tickets are an exception in some areas.)
I purchased a weekend pass but can't attend all the shows. Can i get a refund?
No. Weekend Passes are like an all-you-can eat buffet. They allow YOU and you ALONE to enjoy as much as you want. But there aren't any discounts for "food you didn't eat" and you can't pass your "all you can eat" status on to anyone else.
Are there any events that High School students cannot attend?
HS Students can attend all classes, seminars and concerts at SingStrong. But, the Afterglow parties -which are NOT an official part of SingStrong- are not appropriate for high school students. Afterglows take place in a bar-like restaurant setting. SingStrong therefore recommends that no high school students attend. School or SingStrong personnel do not supervise this event. The Hotel/restaurant alone controls the event. See our TERMS for more information.
Can I record Concerts or Classes?
The rules regarding recording are located in the TERMS. Generally, the answer is no. But even when the answer is yes, you assign all rights, including copyright to SingStrong Inc. We do this to protect our artists and our cause!
Is it ok to arrive late for class?
Yes. But please try to enter silently, without disrupting the class.
Is it ok to arrive late for concerts?
It is risky to arrive late for concerts. If your seat is still available when you arrive, we will seat you. However, SingStrong is a charity-oriented event. If a weekend pass holder/ticketholder does not show up for a concert in a timely manner, then, in accordance with the ticket terms, SingStrong may resell that seat to someone on the waiting list. This allows SingStrong to both keep our ticket prices low and to raise funds for charity. Thankfully, due to our free, convenient parking, our attendees almost never arrive late, so this hasn't yet presented a problem. But we wanted to give you fair warning. Also, SingStrong personnel may require you to wait until an appropriate moment where your entry will not be disruptive before allowing you late entry to a concert.
How does Seating Work at Concerts?
SingStrong uses stadium seating for almost all seats. This allows you and your friends to buy tickets separately and still sit together. Doors usually open about 30 minutes prior to concerts. VIP pass holders are invited to enter first and choose their seats first.
Where Do I get my tickets?
When you enter the SingStrong event site, you will immediately see an area noted as Will-Call or Box Office. Your PHYSICAL tickets and/or passes will be waiting for you here under the name used to purchase the tickets, or the name provided to our ticket seller at the time of purchase.
How does the silent auction Work?
100% of the money we raise at the silent auction goes to the fight against Alzheimer's Disease! Throughout the weekend, we will display various items and services. You may enter a bid on any of these at any time before bidding closes on Saturday night at around 9PM. Make sure we have your contact information in case you win! After our Saturday 7pm show ends, and before our 9:30 show begins, we will close the bidding. At this time, bidding often becomes more intense and fun! We will do a count down to indicate the closing of bidding. Most bidders attend the 9:30 show where we announce winners. We may also announce winners on our website. Please pick up your items by 2PM on Sunday!
how does SingStrong Support Charity?
Here at SingStrong New York, we are proud of our charitable involvement. 100% of the profits at the silent auction support the fight against Alzheimer's Disease. Our chosen charity is now Cure Alzheimer's Fund where every dollar goes to finding a cure. And of course, SingStrong, Inc. is itself is a 501 (c)(3) Public Charity recognized by the IRS, with a team that donates thousands of volunteer hours to keep our festival first rate and further the arts with a specific focus on a cappella music!
If I bid on Something at the silent auction and win, can I deduct the bid as a donation on my taxes?
Always ask your accountant for information on deductions. Generally, the answer is that only the person who donated that item takes the deduction. The person who bids gets a great deal, and the satisfaction of helping a great cause! However, there may be exceptions, especially when a bid can be shown to be higher than the Fair Market Value of the item or service. Again, ask your accountant!
If I donate an item to the silent auction, can i deduct the fair market value of the item on my taxes?
Always ask your accountant for information on deductions. Donations to the Silent Auction go directly to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are typically tax dedictible up to the fullest extent allowed by law. Therefore, generally, the answer is that the person who donated goods CAN take a tax deduction for the Fair Market Value of the item. Contact Cure Alzheimer's Fund for any receipts you may require. SingStrong Inc is also a 501(c)(3) public charity, however SingStrong does not receive any portion of monies raised at the silent auction. For the definitive answer, ask your accountant!
Can I Buy a Class Pass now and then upgrade it to a weekend pass later?
Yes, this is possible, but it's a little risky. Here's why: SingStrong has a larger number of ClassPasses that it can sell as compared with the number of Weekend Passes it can sell. This is because Weekend Passes are capped at the amount of available Concert seating. So if you wait until the very last minute, you may find that no more Weekend passes are available! Also, the box office may possibly also charge you additional processing fees to upgrade the ticket (this is not under SingStrong's control).
How Much Is My Donation to the Auction Worth?
The IRS provides guidelines as to how to determine the value of anything donated to a charity. Two common donations that may NOT be tax deductible include 1) services and 2) a partial interest in real estate, such as a week's stay in your vacation home. Speak to your tax advisor to be sure.
Where Do We Eat?
Food options are plentiful! There's a cafeteria with inexpensive food items located in the University Center (It's cashless, so bring credit cards!). That's just one building away from the performing arts center where all SingStrong concerts and classes occur! It's about a one minute walk. Or, if you have a little more time, feel free to head into Garden City and enjoy any of the fine restaurants in town.
YES! The HS Competition Schedule is HERE. All HS Competitors should follow this schedule.
Yes! SingStrong is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.
Yes. SingStrong is a Federally Registered Trademark.
SingStrong's safety protocols are located in the TERMS. We will be guided by Federal, State and local authorities, by the policies of the venue and by the facts and circumstances at the time of the event. Your safety is very important to us!
Check here for location info, including stage dimensions and images.